Random musings - part 19

मधुरो मधुरश्चेति स्वरस्तु वेणुवीणयोः ।

वदन्ति हन्त लोकास्तेsश्रुतस्वबालजल्पनाः ।। 181 ।।

Translation attempt of the famous Thirukkural beginning with the words குழலினிது...


आत्मानं च तदन्तस्स्थं परमात्मानमप्यहो ।

दर्शयतीत्यतो नूनं गुरुर्विशेषदर्पणः ।। 182 ।।

An ordinary mirror shows ourselves which we cannot see with our eyes. Alas! A Guru is a special mirror who shows not only ourselves to us but also what is inside us, the Paramatma!


गौरवं त्वयि यातीह नानारूपेण पुस्तक! ।

अस्मद्धस्तक! नूनं नः लाघवं याति मस्तकम् ।। 183 ।।

Hey book! While you get heavier in various forms, and by being in our hands, indeed our head has become lighter. Our capacity to learn and retain has come down heavily.....Atleast mine for sure 😉


अद्रव्यमस्ति तु ज्ञानं यदा हि याति मे शिरः ।

कश्चन जायते भारः स्तब्धो भवामि विस्मयः ।। 184 ।।

Substances (dravya) possess weight and when they are borne, people may become immovable (स्तब्ध)! Jnana is a quality (adravya) but when it reaches my head (when I acquire) some weight or heaviness is also born (in the head) and I become arrogant or puffed up with pride (स्तब्ध) - surprise!

This thought just came to my mind - can't say to what genre it belongs to...


समीक्ष्यानेकशास्त्रज्ञान् मुदया विरमाम्यहम् ।

अध्ययनाद्यतो दिष्ट्या तद्रक्षणभरो न मे ।। 185 ।।

Looking at many scholars of sastras, happily I stop learning. Luckily, the onus of protecting the sastras is not mine! There is a saying in Tamil - 'ninaippu thaan pozhappa kedukkuthaam'! This is an example. If there aren't many scholars then I have to necessarily take up the responsibility to learn and protect them...nalla velai.....


आमूलं लोमपर्यन्तं देहे सर्वत्र मे लसन् ।

आलस्य! कुरुषे लास्यम् अङ्गुलिरपि नेङ्गते ।। 186 ।।

O laziness! From deep inside to the tip of hair, everywhere in my body, you shine by performing lasya, a type of dance, that not even my finger moves! 😊


रोदनं यद्बलं तद्धि पुत्रक त्वयि तिष्ठति ।

दाक्षिण्यं मयि दौर्बल्यं किं वा न साध्यमेव ते ।। 187 ।।

My son! As long as there is this strength called crying in you and weakness called compassion in me, what is not possible for you to achieve? 😊


यावत्तिष्ठति मातस्ते ममोदरस्य चिन्तना ।

तावदहं तु वर्तिष्ये उपवासदुरासनम्  ।। 188 ।।

O mother as long as your worry about my stomach exists I will never be an abode for upavasa! 😊 Blame it on her love! 😊


ईषदपि पराधीनो यद्विषये तु वर्तसे ।

स्वाधीने तं मनो हि त्वम् आनेतुं यतसे वृथा ।। 189 ।।

When you are dependent on a relation (thinking that it is of utmost importance in life) even a little, o mind! in vain you try to bring it under your control! In the sense even when being dependent we want people to be under our control!


आत्मानं मज्जयन्तैले शिरसि वह्निमुद्वहन् ।

त्यागमूलं यशो नाम दर्शयतीति वर्तिका ।। 190 ।।

Real fame has sacrifice as it's root or source. This is what a wick shows by immersing itself in oil and holding fire on its head (and thus sacrificing itself to earn a name as 'dispeller of darkness').



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