Random musings - part 17

परिणामस्तु कोपस्य स्वाहिताय कदाप्यहो ।

आत्मानं बाधते नूनं मशकताडनं यथा ।। 161 ।।

Sometimes the result of anger brings discomfort to oneself. Showing anger towards a biting mosquito (trying to hit it) lands a blow to oneself indeed!


एकैकस्यापि वृक्षस्य बीजानि सफलानि चेत् ।

नैव विद्येत चान्येषां जगत्यवसरस्सदा ।। 162 ।।

If all the seeds of every tree become fruitful then there might be no scope for others (trees etc) to grow!

Just for fun and thinking for beginners of Sanskrit.


पुत्रो हि पितृवन्नैव मातृवद्दुहिता तु वै ।

स्वसा तथा न नप्तापि कथमेतन्न वेद्म्यहम् ।। 163 ।।

It means cursorily 'son is not like father but daughter is like mother. Sister is not like mother and grandson is not like father - I don't know why'

😊 it is actually about sabdas. People who know it will say 'yes ofcourse'. But people who go by meaning will wonder for sometime.....Is it not?

पुत्र शब्द न पितृशब्दवत् ...The sabda पुत्र does not decline like पितृ but दुहितृ declines like मातृ, स्वसृ not like मातृ and also नप्तृ not like पितृ.


कुतो हन्त दिशां ज्ञानं निजपक्षावलम्बिनाम् ।

द्विजानां मितबुद्धीनां प्रमाणं दैवमत्र वै ।। 164 ।।

Looking at the flock of birds flying high in the sky at night - 'wherefrom the sense of direction in these birds, limited by intellect and dependent on their wings (or idea) - indeed divine is the means in this'


कथमेतन्न जानेहं ज्ञायते समयो मया ।

तस्मिन् भूते हि नैवापि वर्तमाने भविष्यति ।। 165 ।।

Why is this I don't know - time is known or realised by me only after it gets past - not when it is present not when it is yet to arrive either! Momentary realisation on wastage of time!


क्षेत्रे सस्यानि वर्धन्ते न केवलं जलेन तु ।

नूनं कृषीवलस्यापि स्वेदबिन्दुभिरप्यहो ।। 166 ।।

Crops do not grow in the fields just with water alone but also with the sweat drops of the farmer!


स्वयं प्रबुध्य वेलायां करोषि लोकबोधनम् ।

अर्थकणान् सदा चिन्वन् गौरवं यासि कुक्कुट ।। 167 ।।

Old juice in new vessel
Hey Rooster! Having woken up at the right time, you do the waking up of the world. Always looking for meaningful elements, you attain respect / teacher-hood!

This I wrote just for fun some two years back. It is like manipravala though English may not be recognised as either.


अद्यप्रभृति हे लोकाः यूयं यूयं वयं वयम् ।

hurry-burry-परा यूयं हरिमात्रपरा वयम् ।। 168 ।।

Hey people from today you are yourselves and we are ourselves. (Because) you are devoted to being in hurry-burry (as well perhaps), we are devoted to Hari only! Perhaps an ideal prapanna can say this! There are already some verses which have almost the same first two padas.


समं वहन्ति मुख्यत्वं सर्वाण्यङ्गानि चाङ्गिनः ।

अंगुलीभिर्विहीनस्य हस्तस्य भवतीह किम् ।। 169 ।।

All parts are equally important in a whole. Of what use the hand will be without the fingers, however small they may be compared to the rest of the hand.


जनयामो जने ज्ञानं नयामो विषयान् प्रति ।

न यामो विषयत्वं तु यामो गावो वयं सदा ।। 170 ।।

Don't ask me how and why I write these padyas. It is a mystery to me as well as to how they occur in my small mind. 😊

The sense organs are the speakers of this padya. गो means a sense organ as well. We create knowledge in people (in all forms of life), and then lead them to their desired objects but we ourselves do not become object of knowledge (as we are very subtle) and we are गावः (sense organs or cattle) and go (out) always!



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