Random musings - part 18

स्मृतिस्ते शुष्कचित्ते मे कथं कदापि जायते ।

ग्रीष्मकालस्य वर्षावत् तद्धि भवेद्दयानिधे ।। 171 ।।

Hey Dayanidhi! How is it that sometimes, thoughts about you arise in my dry mind (devoid of bhava or bhakti). Well it might be the like the peak summer rain that occurs sometimes when the heat is too much! 😊


मन्दं गच्छसि काल त्वम् अकार्ये मयि तिष्ठति ।

यदा हि कार्यमग्नोहं वेगं धावसि सर्वथा ।। 172 ।।

Sometimes there is a feeling that whenever we don't do anything and be idle, time also seems to keep company. But when we get lost in an activity time seems to fly! 😊


यथा श्रोता न कुप्येच्च न खिद्येत न संभ्रमेत् ।

तथा विचिन्त्य निर्माणं प्रश्नस्य क्रियतां सदा ।। 173 ।।

To get better answers we need to frame the best of questions that suit the situation so as to not to affect relationships. Always frame questions in a such a way that the listener does not get angry, worried or confused. Questioning is an art!


गर्भवासो बहिर्वासः तयोस्तु दुःखतोलने ।

केवलं क्वचिदादौ स्यात् हस्तपादप्रसारणे ।। 174 ।।

If the misery of life in mother's womb and life in the free world be compared, sometimes or at some places (with some people), it looks like the only difficulty with the former is in the inability to stretch one's hands and legs. Otherwise it seems to be better! 😐😊


प्रत्ययस्त्वत्प्रकृत्यां तु व्याकरणेन जायते ।

वेदनं ते तथा देव वेदान्तेनैव जायते ।। 175 ।।

O Lord! faith in your nature is born by (studying) vyakarana sastra (which deals with prakrti and pratyaya by the way) and your experience is born only by (studying) vedanta sastra. But it is not so! Anubhava is beyond sastras! So the verse has to be split like this.

प्रत्ययस्त्वत्प्रकृत्यां तु व्याकरणे न जायते वेदनं ते तथा देव वेदान्ते नैव जायते ।।


दर्शयति यदात्मानम् अनाविलं जलं भवेत् ।

तद्वन्नूनं मनश्चापि चिन्तां च लहरीं विना ।। 176 ।।

Mind, like still and pure water, reflects (sastras say, not by self experience 😊) the self when being pure and lacking thoughts!


स्फूर्तिर्युक्ता च दुःखेषु भावपीठस्य मे हृदः ।

कुतस्सा ह्युदरस्यापि कदापि हन्त विस्मयः ।। 177 ।।

That the heart throbs during pain and other states is understandable as it is the seat of emotions. Sometimes the navel also throbs. How is this? It is a surprise!


महर्षीन् सकलान् वन्दे यत्तपसा हरिः क्वचित् ।

अर्चारूपे मनोहारी भूत्वा भाति प्रसीदति ।। 178 ।।

The sthala purana of some of the temples state that the presiding deity appeared in archa form pleased with the tapas of Maharishis who performed penance in that place. If not for them how do we get to worship that form and how will He bless us? Salutations to them. 🙏🙏

This was composed after a darshan in Gunasheelam, where Lord Srinivasa has descended as archamurti pleased with the tapas of a maharishi by name गुणशीलः, hence the name for the place.


पादुकायास्सहस्रान्ते देव्योsवदन्नलं हरे ।

स्तुत्या वेंकटनाथस्य पञ्चीकृता वयं यतः ।। 179 ।।

Thonirthu ezhuditten. Don't know right or wrong. Just an imagination...😊 After the completion of padukasahasram, in which Swami Desika portrayed paduka as a consort of Hari, the three consorts of Hari namely Sri, Bhu and Nila went and told Hari 'enough of Venkatanath's stutis. We are already five now with daya and paduka'. Written with a poet's freedom....🙏


शैत्यं प्राप्तं शिशुं वृष्ट्यां शोषयति च जिह्वया ।

स्नेहेन त्वयि गौरीक्षे गोत्वं न किन्तु मातृताम् ।। 180 ।।

When I went to get milk today I saw the cow excessively licking its calf. Was moved to hear the milkman say that his cow is licking its calf to generate warmth as the calf got wet in the rains today. To that cow! Hey cow! I see only motherhood in you and not cowness!



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