Samskrita Kirtana on Lord Narasimha in svarasammodini raaga

I have been exposed to carnatic music from very young age as my sister and mother sang regularly at home. My wife is a musician and our daughter learns from her. So fortunate to continue listening to music. Though I have not learnt music myself, I get inspired by some ragas. The simple keertana on Lord Narasimha below, composed on 26-11-2012, is an inspiration from the keertana - kara-dara-bhare-bharathe (kannada) in raga svarasammodini -


नतजनपरिपालक! नृहरे!


जननी दुर्बलशिशुमेव मनति

मननं मे हरे तव नैव भवति ।

(नतजनपरिपालक! नृहरे!)


जनिता निर्गुणतनयं नु नयति

नयनं ते हरे मयि नैव भवति ।

जडशिष्यं गुरुः समयाSSसयति नु 

सदनं मे हरे तव नैव भवति ।

(नतजनपरिपालक! नृहरे!)

Narasimha! the protector of those who worship!

A Mother always thinks of her weakest child among her many children,
but Hari! you don't seem to have a thought about me!

A Father handholds his erring son among his many children,
but Hari! you do not handhold me or you do not watch me at all!

A Teacher places his dull student very near to him,
but Hari! I dont find myself near to you at all!

Narasimha! the protector of those who worship!


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