Random musings - part 16

बाल्ये व्यर्थखेलनं केल्यां तु यस्य यौवनम्

वार्द्धके कालनाटकं मृत्युपर्यन्तमेव नु ।। 151 ।।

This is a variation of anushthup metre. Those who waste their childhood in playing, youth in pleasure, will have to face the drama of kala or time in their old age until death.


हस्तिस्नानं भवेन्मे वै नित्यापराधिनो गतिः

शास्त्रग्रन्थनदीष्वेव पुण्यमस्ति निमज्जने ।। 152 ।।

An eternal offender that I am, like an elephant that smears itself with mud after taking bath. What is the use of me studying the scriptures, holy rivers that they are! But there is some punya in plunging in to them. Therefore I dare to study them.


विष्णो! महत्तमसस्यास्त्वं सति त्वयि तथाप्यहो

निगूहति मदज्ञानं त्वामेव हन्त विस्मयः 153

Vishnu! You might be the biggest, bigger than anything else (Brahman you are). Even then my ignorance is covering you (hiding you from me) that is what is surprising me! Is it not bigger than you?


पञ्जरस्थशुकोहं तन्नयनेपि शक्तवान्

सदा तद्भोजयन्नस्मि मे मोचनभावना 154

I am like a parrot in a cage (my body), capable of carrying it to many places. I am nourishing it always with no thought about getting released.


ज्ञानं व्याधिं नेच्छन्ति लोका बन्धुषु सर्वदा

उभयतस्तु तेषां नु वियोगभयहेतुना 155

Always people do not wish their kith and kin to become diseased or become knowledgeable (atmajnana) as by either way they might get separated from them (the factors being death and renunciation respectively).


ज्ञातं सारमसारं लघुभिः मशकादिभिः

कथं शक्यते हन्त गुरुबुद्धियुता मया 156

Even small creatures like ants, mosquitoes etc know the difference between what should be consumed (tasteful / to be enjoyed) and what should not be (should be discarded). How come I, endowed with more intelligence, am unable to distinguish between the two?


वस्तुतस्तु मनो नाम वस्तु मानवतापकम् ।

कापेयचेष्टितेनेह हन्त कापथपातकम् ॥ 157 ॥

In reality mind is a thing that torments humans. With its monkey like activities alas it pushes them in to wrong ways!


प्रकृतेर्विकृतिं दृष्ट्वा वृथा मुह्यसि मे मनः ।

प्रकृतिं विकृतीनां हि पश्य याहि मुदां सदा ॥ 158 ॥

O my mind you get disillusioned with the various transformations of the same prakrti (matter). Look at the unchanging basis (prakrti) of all the transformations and attain happiness always!


दर्शनं स्पर्शनं चापि तत्स्मरणमनन्तरम् ।

चोदनं विषयाणां तु ममेदृशकालयापनम् ॥ 159 ॥

Seeing, touching (enjoying) and remembering that later and being prompted towards sense objects – this is how my time is spent!


शाब्दे न मे प्रवृत्तिश्च प्रत्यक्षं मोहयत्यहो ।

तेन दुरनुमानं मे प्रमाणं गुरुवाचकम् ॥ 160 ॥

There are three means to acquire knowledge – relying on our senses, inferring on what has been known through the senses, and from scriptures (which are difficult to grasp). I can’t understand the scriptures, perception is misleading and because of that I make wrong inferences. Alas! my source of knowledge is therefore what is said by my Guru!



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