हरिस्तुतिः - भागः १

Nothing new is conveyed in the stutis below. What has been said in beautiful words by great poets before came across in the mind as simple momentary realisations and took shape as the following. Bhakti is yet to dawn.

नाहमाचारवाञ्चापि नाप्यनुष्ठानवानहो ।

त्वन्निष्ठाचार्यवान् किन्तु नाहं खिन्नस्ततो हरे ॥ १ ॥

Hari! I do not have achara and anushthana but I have an acharya who is steadfastly devoted to you (with both). Hence, I roam about without worries.


च्युतसंस्कारदेहे मे कथं शुद्धिस्तु सर्वदा ।

अच्युतोन्नतसंस्कारान् मनस्यच्युत वर्धय ॥ 2 ॥

Acyuta! My body is impure as not all the prescribed samskaras have been performed. Please help me to grow good and unfailing samskaras in my mind (atleast).


स्पृष्टवस्तुषु नेषन्मे निवृत्तिस्तु सदा हरे ।

अस्पृष्टेषु प्रवृत्तिस्तु मनसः मोचनं कदा ॥ ३ ॥

I do not refrain from what have been enjoyed already and I am always behind those that are not yet enjoyed. Hari! When will my mind be rescued?


अकरवं प्रतिज्ञां हि सत्यं वचानि किन्तु मे ।

सत्यज्ञानं नास्त्येव कुर्वे मौनं वरं हरे ॥ ४ ॥

Hari! I resolved to speak the truth. Alas! How do I know what is truth? Therefore, I keep quiet, which is better for me.


मृदुभक्तेषु नाहं ये त्वां धरन्ति हरे हृदि ।

कठोरेष्वपि नाहं ये स्कन्धेष्वपि सवाहनम् ॥ ५ ॥

When I witness the procession of the Lord in his archavatara form, I think like this – Hari! I am not among those soft-bhaktas who bear you in their hearts while reciting the Vedas or prabandhas. Nor am I among those hard-bhaktas who bear you on their shoulders (also) along with your vahana!


संसारे ते हरे! हन्त दैविकहास्यनाटके ।

अल्पसारनिमित्तेन दैनिकनाटकं च मे ॥ ६ ॥

Hari! In your divine sport called samsara, alas! My daily drama for the sake of trivial pleasures!


हे हरे देहि दासत्वं गुरुत्वे संस्थिते मयि ।

सद्गुरुसंनिधिं प्राप्य प्रभो प्रीतिं च ते लभे ॥ ७ ॥

Hari! Please give dasabhava to me, the haughty natured. I shall obtain your love by attaining a sadguru!


हरे ते दासवेशस्तु कथमपि धृतो मया ।

कुचेष्टितैर्ममाद्यत्वां जगन्निन्दति चिन्तय ॥ ८ ॥

Hari! Somehow, I have adorned the attire of your dasa. Now you will be blamed by the world for all my misdeeds. Therefore, think about saving me.


वर्धमाने तु देहेस्मिन् मनो मे यौवनायते ।

दिने दिने प्रभो तस्य परिपाकः कदा हरे॥ ९ ॥

Hari! Even as my body grows older day by day my mind, alas! becomes more youthful. When will it get refined my Lord?


कलयामि मुखे नित्यं श्रद्धया नाम ते हरे ।

भार्यायास्ते कटाक्षं नु हस्ते गणयितुं च मे ॥ १० ॥

Hari! I count upon your name in my mouth daily with faith to count the blessings (money) of your wife (Lakshmi) in my hands.



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