Random musings - part 13
Ever watered a plant mindfully? There are lot of
insects that die and raising animals means destroying so much of vegetation! Everything
about growing one stuff entails destroying another! Creation is impossible
without destruction! Maintenance is nothing but creation extended! If God is
said to create and maintain the world? at what cost?
सृष्टिर्वापि स्थितिर्हन्त कुतो विनाशनं विना ।
क्रिये तु द्वेऽपि ते देव पञ्चत्वेनास्तु नाटकम् ।। 121 ।।
सृष्टिः creation वापि also स्थितिः maintenance हन्त alas
कुतः wherefrom विनाशनं destruction
विना without क्रिये activities
तु but द्वेऽपि two
also ते your देव Lord
पञ्चत्वेनास्तु be with the five elements नाटकम् drama
Alas! Creation or maintenance seem to be impossible
without involving destruction. Or O Lord! both these two acts of yours is a
drama with the five elements!
There are some slokas in Sanskrit that emphasise the
need for learning Grammar. The one below is an attempt in this front! There are
some words when even a letter is wrongly spelt, will convey opposite meaning.
Like कृतज्ञ and कृतघ्न ;
अवद्य and अवध्य
कृतज्ञो भव पुत्र त्वं कृतघ्नो न गुरौ स हि ।
अवध्योऽस्तु न चावद्यः तस्मात् व्याकरणं पठ ।। 122 ।।
कृतज्ञः grateful भव be पुत्र son त्वं you
कृतघ्नः ungrateful न not
गुरौ in Guru स he
हि indeed अवध्यः sacred
अस्तु be न not
च and अवद्यः faulty
तस्मात् therefore व्याकरणं Grammar
पठ study
Dear Son! Be grateful and not ungrateful with your
Guru. Let him be of high regard and not faulty. Therefore, study Grammar!
I am not able to say to which genre this sloka falls
in to. May be sarcasm or a new one. Today people are more confident on the
money that they possess for their protection than the merit they follow or
dharma that they followed!
त्रिषु युगेषु सत्यं स्यात् धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः ।
चतुर्थे तु कलौ किन्तु धनं रक्षति रक्षितम् ।। 123 ।।
I think it is easy to follow and hence no word to word
I am not the one to talk about conduct. Yet sharing
this thought - on modern speakers (acharyas!) of philosophy etc etc. There was
a time when Acharyas preached what they practiced or practiced before they
preached. But in present times, If someone is able to communicate nicely,
without following what they preach, the world is attracted to them without
minding if they 'walk their talk' or not!
वागधीने हि कालेस्मिन् चरित्रं नैव लक्षितम् ।
कथञ्चिदपि वक्ता स्याः यशस्वी त्वं भविष्यसि ।। 124 ।।
वाक् speech
अधीने dependent हि indeed
काले in
time अस्मिन् this चरित्रं conduct
नैव never लक्षितं looked
at कथञ्चिदपि
somehow वक्ता speaker स्याः become
यशस्वी famous त्वं you
भविष्यसि will become
In this time, that goes only by speech and not at all
on conduct, somehow you become a (good) speaker, you are destined to attract
huge crowds!
Sorry to take a dig at astrologers. But often their
diagnosis revolves around curse of the manes or Gods, which is beyond the reach
of common men to find out!
पितृणां वापि देवानामप्रीत्या दुर्गतिस्तथा ।
तच्छान्तिर्गतिरित्युक्त्वा ज्योतिषतिलकं भव ।। 125 ।।
पितृणां of the manes वापि or also देवानाम् of the gods अप्रीत्या due to displeasure दुर्गतिः bad
situation तथा and तच्छान्तिः their appeasement गतिः is the recourse इति thus
उक्त्वा having said ज्योतिषतिलकं the best of astrologers भव become
For problem of any kind (quietly do some calculations)
and say 'this bad state is due to the displeasure of manes or Gods and the only
way is to appease them'. You will become the best of astrologers! No one will
dare to question you.
This one is on the Maahaanasa sampradaya (which is
detailed in the blog on Desika). In our lives, once we attach to a goal and
work towards it in a focussed manner, there will be a direction and less
confusions - at a material level. At a spiritual level - if we attach ourselves
to a sampradaya (whichever is convincing to us or given to us) with conviction
and just try to pursue it with focus and faith, life becomes peaceful....
The essence of this sampradaya is unconditional
surrender at the lotus feet of the Lord!
निर्दिष्टमार्गोऽस्मि च पोषितोऽपि
धौतो भविष्यामि समस्तपापात् ।
तेजोविशेषः किल येन चाहं
तन्नौमि माहानससंप्रदायम् ।। 126 ।।
निर्दिष्टमार्गोऽस्मि I am on a directed path पोषितोऽपि nourished as well धौतो cleaned भविष्यामि I
will become समस्तपापात् from all sins
तेजोविशेषः brilliant fire किल indeed
येन by which चाहं I
also तन्नौमि I salute that माहानससंप्रदायम् Maahaanasa sampradayam
I salute that Maahaanasa sampradaya (linked to kitchen),
a brilliant fire (hence the fire connection) by which I am on a directed path
and being nourished from strength to strength, will one day be cleaned of all
my sins!
That the doors of heaven are closed for me, a
meritless person, it's OK, no point in worrying about it. Alas! even the hells
will be closed and their in-dwellers are going to laugh at me for that! Nammala
vida mosama oruthan irukkaan paa.. That is my concern!
अचिन्त्यो नाकवासो मे व्यर्थं विलपनं तु वै ।
प्रहसिष्यन्ति मां हन्त नरकस्थाः कुकर्मिणम् ।। 127 ।।
अचिन्त्यो unimaginable नाकवासः heaven stay मे to me व्यर्थं waste
विलपनं lamentation तु but
वै indeed
प्रहसिष्यन्ति are going to laugh मां at me हन्त alas
नरकस्थाः hell-dwellers कुकर्मिणम् worst fellow
Heaven is unimaginable! Enough of lamentation indeed.
Alas! Even the people of hell are going to laugh at me, the worst fellow (that
I am not even fit there)
State of happiness may be indicated by brightness and
smile, and sadness by dullness and cry. A cloud, when it is white, is very
bright and happy. When it is dark, raining, we may say it is crying. Moreover,
without independence in moving about, it is at the mercy of the action (karma)
of air. Likewise, I am led by karma between earth and above regions , smiling
and crying my way.....
भूखयोर्वायुनानीतजीमूतगतिरेव मे ।
असुखसुखयोर्मध्ये कर्मणा हासरोदने ।। 128 ।।
भू earth
ख sky भूखयोः in-between
earth and sky वायुना by wind नीत led जीमूत cloud
गतिः state एव only
मे mine (as well) असुख sadness
सुखयोः happiness मध्ये between
कर्मणा by karma हासरोदने smiling
and crying
My state is akin to a cloud experiencing happiness and
sadness while being caught in-between earth and sky, led by the action (karma)
of air! A cloud may be said to be born out of some action (karma), then it goes
up to spend it only to come back, to be born again!
This sloka is addressed to Hari. I wish it makes
sense, in more than one way. The word guna means good qualities in general and
also a thread. I am requesting Hari
1. to endow me with good qualities and associate with
his devotees, who are close to his heart.
2. To make me a thread and yoke in the midst of those
diamonds, the devotees, so that a garland is placed on your chest and thus i
can also reach you through them...
निर्गुणं मां गुणीकृत्य भक्तरत्नेषु तेषु ते ।
योजय कृपया मध्ये वक्षोगतेषु हे हरे! ।। 129 ।।
निर्गुणं character less or not a thread yet (cotton) मां me गुणीकृत्य having
made good or thread भक्तरत्नेषु among the
devotee-diamonds तेषु of those ते your योजय yoke
or join कृपया please मध्ये in the midst वक्षोगतेषु who are close to your heart हे हरे Hari!
Hari! Please make me, a person of character or a
thread, associate me with your devotees, diamonds that they are in a garland
around your chest! (Very close to your heart!) I can reach you only through
A mobile phone is very appropriately (or not?) is
translated as jangama-doora-vani (phone on the move) But while it is seated in
the palms of people, they also do not move! Where is this mobility factor!
हस्ते त्वय्युपविष्टे तु तिष्ठन्त्येकत्र मानवाः ।
जंगमदूरवाणीति नामधेयं कथं हि ते ।। 130 ।।
With you seated on the palms, people are stationed at
one place. How did you get your name as a mobile phone!?
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