Random musings - part 16
बाल्ये च व्यर्थखेलनं केल्यां तु यस्य यौवनम् । वार्द्धके कालनाटकं मृत्युपर्यन्तमेव नु ।। 151 ।। This is a variation of anushthup metre. Those who waste their childhood in playing, youth in pleasure, will have to face the drama of kala or time in their old age until death. --------------------------- हस्तिस्नानं भवेन्मे वै नित्यापराधिनो गतिः । शास्त्रग्रन्थनदीष्वेव पुण्यमस्ति निमज्जने ।। 152 ।। An eternal offender that I am, like an elephant that smears itself with mud after taking bath. What is the use of me studying the scriptures, holy rivers that they are! But there is some punya in plunging in to them. Therefore I dare to study them. --------------------------- विष्णो ! महत्तमसस्यास्त्वं सति त्वयि तथाप्यहो । निगूहति मदज्ञानं त्वामेव हन्त विस्मयः ॥ 153 ॥ Vishnu! You might be the biggest, bigger than anything else (Brahman you are). Even then my ignorance is covering you (hiding you from me) that is what is...