Random musings - part 13
Ever watered a plant mindfully? There are lot of insects that die and raising animals means destroying so much of vegetation! Everything about growing one stuff entails destroying another! Creation is impossible without destruction! Maintenance is nothing but creation extended! If God is said to create and maintain the world? at what cost? सृष्टिर्वापि स्थितिर्हन्त कुतो विनाशनं विना । क्रिये तु द्वेऽपि ते देव पञ्चत्वेनास्तु नाटकम् ।। 121 ।। सृष्टिः creation वापि also स्थितिः maintenance हन्त alas कुतः wherefrom विनाशनं destruction विना without क्रिये activities तु but द्वेऽपि two also ते your देव Lord पञ्चत्वेनास्तु be with the five elements नाटकम् drama Alas! Creation or maintenance seem to be impossible without involving destruction. Or O Lord! both these two acts of yours is a drama with the five elements! ---------------------------------- There are some slokas in Sanskrit that emphasise the need for learning Grammar. The one below is an attempt ...